The National Legal Planning and Development Center held a workshop "Harmonization of E-commerce Law in ASEAN" on 18 February 2014 in Jakarta. The half day workshop featured Dr. Sinta Dewi, a lecturer from Padjajaran University and Mr. Irawan from Ministry of Trade as speakers. The workshop was officially opened by Dr. Wicipto Setiadi, S,H., M.H, Head of The National Law Development Agency. In his speech, Dr Wicipto Setiadi higlighted the importance of harmonization of E-commerce Law in ASEAN as the ASEAN Community 2015 is drawing close. In other hand, he said that the efforts toward harmonization of E-commerce Law in ASEAN face some challenges that need to be addressed and over come.
The workshop was attended by about 50 participants from the governmnent, university, civil society and lawfirm discussed about the importance of harmonization of E-commerce Law in ASEAN. The discussion of workshop was then followed by the quetion and answer session.