The APECs Workshop of Strengthening Good Regulatory Practices

National Law Development Planning Center in cooperation with Coordinationg Ministry for Eonomic Affairs c.q Deputy VII and Faculty of Law of Indonesia Islamic University held the APEC's Workshop of Strengthening Good Regulatory Practices on December 19, 2013 in Yogyakarta. The aim of workshop was to increase knowledge and awareness of stakeholders on the implementation of good regulatory practices. It is expected through this workshop the participants will be more exposured on the best practices of the public consultation mechanism and the use of regulatory impact assesment (RIA).

The workshop was officially opened by Mrs. Huda Bahweres - the Assistant Deputy for Regional and Sub-Regional Economic Cooperation- who outlined the objective and approach to the workshop and encouraged the participants to be actice in the interactive discussion. At the occassion, the Head of National Law Development Planning Center (Kapusren) and the Dean of Faculty of Law’s UII also delivered their speeches. The workshop began with the presentation by Mrs. Huda Bahwares, Dr. Zainal Arifin Muchtar and Mr. Satya Bhakti Parikesit which was then followed by comments from Dr. Saifudin and Mrs. Sri Hastuti. The workshop was attended by about 70 participants. Questionnaires were distributed to all participants during the workshop to get feedback and evaluate the workshop. In closing the workshop, the facilitator, Mr. Subianta Mandala, thanked the participants for their presence and inputs and wished them a safe journey home.