Trafficking has extended in form of organized or non-organized crime, international or national scope and therefore has become a great threat against society, nation, and even state. It is also become a threat against the effort of promoting human rights as the living norms. On regards of this, Heru Wahyono, head of Evaluation On Legal Awareness Village Sub Division, on Integrated Legal Lecture in PP Cetral Aisiyah, said that it is very important to socialize Act Number 21 Year 2007 About Eradication of Trafficking. (27/03)

Heru Wahyono added that the excalation of trafficking problems in many countries, includes Indonesia and other developing countries, has drawn great concern not only of Indonesia but also international society and international organization such as United Nation. “The Purpose of trafficking is not only for prostitution or other sexual exploitation, but also for another form of exploitations such as forced labor or forced service,” said Heru.

In Eradication of Trafficking Act (Act Number 21 Year 2007), Trafficking is defined as every action on recruiting, transporting, accomodating, transfering, displacing, or receiving a person by means of threat, of violence, using of violence, kidnap, abduction, fraud, deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability, or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, inside or outside the country, for the purpose of exploitation or to cause someone else exploited. (Article 1 verse (1) Eradication of Trafficking Act).

Trafficking aims not only women but also men. It also has no age-limit target. “They usually use economic or financial approach,” explained Heru. “Low education, bad financial condition can make someone easilly trapped in trafficking. The agent who does trafficking  can be everyone, even the closest person to the victim, “he explained further.

To eradicate trafficking, we need to raise public awareness. Therefore, society needs to know and understand first the regulation of trafficking, what is trafficking, who can be punished, regulation on the law enforcement task on trafficking, how the state protect the witnesses and victims and their rights.

The government also need to do socialization and campaign to raise public awareness on this matter. Beside that the establishment of Central Task Force and Regional Task Force by the Presidential Regulation is also a good step. The Task Force consists of the government, the law enforcement body, NGO, and researcher and scholars. “ There are also another international cooperation, bilateral, regional, or multilateral cooperations on criminal problems, and other technical cooperations in accordance to what being regulated in Article 59 Eradication of Trafficking Act,” Heru closed his explanation.