Ms. Maria-Krystina Duval, Managing Counsel of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) visited the National Law Development Agency (NLDA), Ministry of Law and Human Rights on December 11, 2015. The purpose of the visit is to explore the possibility of cooperation between the HKIAC and the NLDA in some areas of law. The meeting was attended by staffs and officials from different units under the NLDA. Ms. Duval briefed the meeting on the HKIAC. According to her, HKIAC was founded in 1985 as a private, self-governing, non profit entity by the Hong Kong Government. It’s one of the Asia’s oldest and most prestigious arbitration institution, offering arbitration services, alongside mediation, adjudication and domain name dispute resolution. Some possible collaboration have been identified such as reviewing the existing Indonesian law on arbitration and alternative dispute resolution, internship of NLDA Staff at the HKIAC, and International seminar on arbitration in Indonesia. The meeting agreed that there will be another meeting to follow up the discussion.