A Court Excellence and Judicial Cooperation Forum

Subcoordinate Court of Singapore was held a Court Excellence and Judicial Cooperation Forum on 5-7 Macrh 2014 in Singapore. The aims of the forum are to promote knowledge exchange and sharing of best practices in the area of judicial administration and delivery of justice among the ASEAN judiciaries and their partners and to contribute to the development and collaboration of judiciaries and legal systmen in the ASEAN region, as ASEAN reorganizes itselff under its Charter and makes preparation for greater integration by 2015. The forum was attended by senior Judicial Officers, Court Administartion and ASLOM’s representative of ASEAN Member States. Delegations of Indonesia represented by Judge Made Rawa Aryawan

Judge Dr. Khalilurrahman and Mr. Aria from The Supreme Court. In the same time, ASLOM’s Indonesia represented by Ms. Erna Priliasari and Mr. Fabian A. N. Broto from The National Law Development Agency, Ministry of Law and Human Righs. The forum was officially opened by Organizing Committee Chairman District Judge Mathew Joseph who outlines the objective and approach to this forum and encouraged the participants to be actice in the interactive discussion. At the occasion, Chief District Judge See Kee Oon delivered his keynotes speech. In his speech, He highlited the importance of achieving court excellence, the potential benefit of ASEAN adopting a global benchmark on court excellence like the International Framework for Court Excellence and promoting judicial cooperation within the ASEAN region.

In the 3rd day of the forum all delegates and participants were invited to attend the launch of new name of Subcoordinate court to state court.